If we were to rest, truly and deeply, what dream might we receive?
In a culture that pushes us to go fast, Rest to Reveal is an opportunity to slow down in order to root deeply as we move through the Omer period and prepare to receive revelation on Shavuot.
Join Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife and friends for a deceleration retreat where we’ll engage in facilitated rest, reflection and connection through song, prayer, ritual, reflective writing, art-making, wandering, wondering, dreaming, and more.
How can slowing down help us to receive truth?
Surrounded by New England springtime beauty, a group of 20 Jewish leaders will come together for 3 nights, with enough facilitation to journey meaningfully, and enough space to steep in slowness and allow for emergence, and guided reflection intended to support leaders in opening to what’s true in this season, to Sacred connection, and ultimately to self.
This gift-to-self is one of many ways in which we can embody the rhythms of Jewish time; if you’d like to rest as a way to receive and accept revelation, please register your interest here before Sunday, February 23.
The Expression of Interest form will help our team to extend invitations to a cohort that’s diverse and well-balanced. By the end of February, we will send out our first round of invitations and then let others know that they have been waitlisted. We intend to confirm the entire cohort by early March so that everyone can make their travel plans and begin preparing to slow down!
Who the retreat is for?
This retreat is intended for Jewish leaders (spiritual leaders, community leaders, and organisational leaders) who yearn slow down and find meaning in the Omer time, entering into rest and reflection in preparation to receive Shavuot revelation towards greater clarity and potency in their leadership and lives.
More details.
Thanks to the generous support of R&R: The Rest of Our Lives, the cost for this 3 night / 4 day retreat is $1250 per person, including double-occupancy accommodation ($1500 per person for single occupancy) at the incredible Trinity Retreat Center, three delicious meals per day, snacks, supplies, and heartfelt leadership that will hold a strong container intended to keep you meaningfully engaged while also supporting you as you exhale and ease into rest.
Cancellation policy: Before March 31, there is a $100 cancellation fee (and registration is refundable). From March 31 onwards, registration is non-refundable.
While we do not currently have a scholarship fund, we will be seeking support in the coming months with hopes that we can express our values for equity through financial support.
Photo by John Mccann on Unsplash